Monday, September 1, 2008

Could Things Be Worse?

If you thought after you turned off the Alabama/Clemson game that things couldn't get worse for the ACC you haven't read this article.

At the UNC home game this Saturday against McNeese State the following calamity of errors took place:

Lightning struck the press box of Kenan Stadium, shorted out the circuit board in the PA's announcing box, caused problems with cable and wireless connections, and delayed the game 2 hours in the second quarter.

A large chunk of concrete fell from the stadium stands to the ground, luckily hurting no one.

The men that were supposed to parachute the game ball into the stadium landed at Duke's Wallace Wade Stadium instead. The two parachutists touched down about an hour before the Blue Devil's kickoff against JMU. The act puzzled players warming up on the field, and brought back bad memories of "fan man."

Finally, the lone beat reporter for McNeese was stuck in the press box elevator for about two hours after the game. He was freed around 1 am, Sunday morning. Now the poor guy has to go back to Lake Charles, Louisiana and deal with Gustav!

ACC fans, things could definitely be worse.

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